woensdag 6 november 2013

Let all your desires flow through the dimensions into your reality with EASE and FUN.

Thoughts: a higher dimension?

I would love to start by shedding some light on the concept of dimensions that’s been going around. You see some people doubt the fact that higher dimensions exist simply because they can’t see them with their eyes, which are actually just part of the physical dimension. It is easy for most to understand we are currently in a fourth dimensional world: we have our 3 dimensions of space and the dimension of time. However when thinking about higher dimensions, most people tend to be rather closed minded about that. They just can’t imagine what that would be like.

The funny thing is that the very thinking process used to try and imagine anything whatsoever, is actually the next higher dimension we speak of so often. Once you think of it, it should be undeniable that the thoughts you are having at any given time, whether it is in dreams or when thinking of the present, past or the future, really compose another dimension that is superimposed onto what we call reality. This dimension is indeed, as said, timeless and not at all space bound. Think about it, go into your imagination and find that you can instantly go anywhere in space and time that you can possibly think of and in fact way beyond that.

There is no scientific proof for this, because science is actually the study of the laws of nature that define our current dimension. But the laws of physics don’t apply in your imagination do they? Can you not think of flying intensely and experience a sensation of actually doing so? The fact that you can think of it is all the proof needed. Everyone’s own experience is their proof of this next dimension. If you can’t imagine a single thing differently than our current reality, then you could try to deny this is true, but in fact you won’t even be able to imagine this either. (It’s a paradox, if you hadn’t noticed)

What's the point?

The question that should now arise is why does this matter, what’s the point of it? The answer lies in the fact that most of the people that can at least keep an open mind concerning new dimensions have got it backwards. They might think the 5th dimension is something that you can accomplish trough living a good life that ends in enlightenment for example. Or that we are going to ascend into this higher dimension and that the rest of us will die in the apocalypse. There are all sorts of things going around.

So the thing is they’ve got it backwards: we are actually an extension of higher beings, we’re the physical manifestation of something bigger. This can also be proven by yourself to yourself right now. If you’ve tried the test earlier, where you were to imagine how your thinking is actually another dimension each of you experiences on top of the current “reality”, well, there you have proof that you are indeed already part of that higher dimension. You’ve manifested here, you’ve focused your energy in your physical body for this lifetime, but that doesn’t mean your imagination can’t take you further, right? You are literally part of a higher consciousness, congratulations on your discovery!

Practical use: the Law of Attraction

No matter how much I love philosophizing, this information still isn’t very practical to most of you. The practical use lies in the laws that apply concerning the relationship between the 5th dimension, your thinking and the others, our so called reality. You see, across the dimensions there is a law of attraction. This law states that the things you are thinking about attract more of that to you. If we would speak in terms of vibration, where lower vibrations are hate, fear, blame and guilt and higher vibrations are hope, peace, love and enlightenment, we would say that you attract things that are a vibrational match to your thought to you in this reality. In fact you are attracting those things as we speak, so seeing as you are reading this, I suspect that even though it may not be easy to fully understand just yet, you have already become more of a match to it than you once were.

But for clarity reasons, let’s leave aside this whole vibrational thing and let me give you some examples. Let’s say you are afraid that you’re not going to have enough money. As you are thinking “oh no, I’m not going to have enough money and I’m going to have to work really, really hard to get by this month”, you are in fact attracting more of it to you. You would be attracting more of ‘not enough money’ and ‘work really hard’ to you. So you won’t only be attracting more thought of those things to you, but you will also attract situations and even people towards you that match those thoughts.

On the other hand, let’s say you were confident about the infinite resources of our universe and confident in your capability of obtaining whatever you like (or don’t like) through the law attraction. You would think something more of “It’s a good thing this universe provides me with enough opportunity to get all the money I want, by doing things that I like doing, and I know I can easily find a way to do that if I stay focused on that which I want for myself.” That would mean you would attract not only more thoughts that support that, but you will also attract those situations and even people that match those thoughts as well.

This might be a little overwhelming and that’s because of two possible reasons. On one hand you may think it couldn’t possibly be that easy, but then you simply have to try it out for a while and you’ll not only notice how easy it is, but also how much fun it can be to adjust your thinking to this simple law. On the other hand you may not want to accept that you or those dear to you would have attracted any of the bad things that have happened in your lives to you yourself. I actually enjoyed this sense of responsibility for past events and I already love the challenge of adjusting my thought patterns to better suit my desires.

But nevertheless it is completely understandable that some of you may not want to have the responsibility for some things that have happened, ‘cause I know many of you will have gone through much worse than I would want to imagine. But even though you are in a way responsible for these things, even though you somehow allowed them into your experience, that doesn’t mean that you are to blame for them, not at all. You see, you and me both have been creating our experience mostly by looking at our current ‘reality’. That means if you see something bad happening, you’ll think about it and if you let thoughts like that grow stronger, they will eventually start manifesting in your experience. The same goes for good things.  It’s not anyone’s fault, you’ve just been creating by default for quite a while now, because the law of attraction isn’t something anyone’s ever told you about. There’s been no research of it either; because you alone can for yourself research the 5th dimension and the effects it has on your reality.

As bad as things may be, as of now you can start thinking more in the direction of the things you do want and those things will come to you as quickly as you can allow them into your experience. The art of allowing is another aspect that is very import to the law of attraction. To allow means to believe, to trust that the things you are thinking about, the things you are asking for will indeed attract more of that to you. As you trust that it is so, firstly the thought will grow stronger: you’ll be thinking more of it and you’ll be thinking of it in greater detail as you progress. When the thought is strong enough and you have complete faith in your creative power, things will start manifesting and changing faster than you ever thought possible.

Don't get attached!

The trick is to not get attached to any given outcome either. Being attached brings forth the risk that you think about that you still haven’t gotten what you wanted yet and that means your focus is more on the lack of what you want rather than the receiving of that which you want. By focusing on the lack, you’ll attract more of the lack of what you want. Being detached means you understand that the attraction process doesn’t bring you exactly what you ask for, but it will bring things that are in alignment to it and as those things start appearing you will have more information to continue guiding your thoughts in the direction of your desires. So, detachment allows you not to be disappointed with any of your manifestations so that you can keep guiding your creative power without getting demotivated by any particular event.

Lastly I want to talk about emotions. Some of you may have the same problem I had when I first learned about the law of attraction: I didn’t even know concretely what it was I desired. It’s not easy imagining what you want if you don’t even have a clue on what it is you want for yourself. But in fact you already know something you do want: you want to know what you want! This is the thought you can start everything with, “I want to know what I want.” That will attract more thought concerning things you may desire which will in turn attract events and people that’ll help you figure out what you really desire.

Emotional Guidance

Now this is where emotions come in. It so happens that the law of attraction comes with a guidance system from above. Your infinite higher being is constantly giving you feedback on the things you’re thinking about. When you feel bad about something, it means that you are thinking in a manner that is not in alignment with your truer, higher self. If you’re feeling good, then your higher being is letting you know you’re going in the direction you had intended for yourself even before you were born in this life.

So let me specify here that for example when you just got dumped and you feel like a worthless piece of shit, you are probably feeling very badly then. But unlike most would think, you’re not feeling bad because of what is happening to you, but because you’re thinking something that is not in alignment with who-you-really-are. You’re not a worthless piece of shit and until you stop thinking like that, you will continue to feel bad. That’s why it usually takes a while to get over someone, but not when for example the next day you meet someone who makes you feel special again. That’ll make you feel good again, but not because of what is happening to you either, you’re feeling good because believing you’re special is in fact who-you-really-are!

So basically, all you’ve come here to do is to guide your thoughts in such a way that it feels good to you and that way you’ll discover the things you want or don’t want, the latter of which will actually also provide information in the direction of what you do want. A wonderful exercise to get over past events is to, when you happen to think of them again, just imagine that situation in a way that you would’ve liked it to go. It is much is easier to let those things go if you’ve corrected them in your thought, because now you know you’ve guided your thought towards how you would like things to have gone, bringing more of exactly that. It’s also a great exercise to get into imagining situations to your liking rather than to how they seem to go and it will help you imagining future events to go how you want them to as well. It’s also nice to know that the stronger the emotions are, both positive and negative, the stronger that particular thoughts is, meaning it will manifest much more quickly. This is useful as strong bad emotions will warn you and strong good emotions will get you all the more excited.

The essence

So by realizing your thoughts are in fact another dimension and that they are completely separable from “reality”, you can use them to imagine your desires into this dimension through the law of attraction. By allowing the thoughts to grow stronger, by believing in your own incredible creative power you’ll be able to manifest anything you desire. On this path you can learn to pay attention to the way you feel so that you can easily guide your thoughts and intentions towards feeling good. That way you can never feel forced to go in a certain direction anymore; because after a while you’re single motivation will be “how can I make this feel good?” and it won’t take long after that for you to get so good at it that you’ll only be feeling better and better, because everything that feels a bit off will be instantly turned around by your awareness of it and your intention to feel good.

I hope I’ve been able to shed some light on how you can make feeling good your personal goal in this life and how it will bring you the satisfaction in your life that you deserve. If you want to learn more about the law of attraction and how to apply it, I strongly recommend reading Abraham Hicks’ The Law of Attraction Basic Teachings. It is not my only source, but it sure has been the one that’s helped me the most.

Peace and Love to All